Approved Courses for Soil Scientist Licensing to Meet the Minimum 15 Hour Educational Requirement
NC State University
- Any course offered by the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences [Online Courses]
- A typical path through the Soil Science Online program:
- SSC 200 Soil Science (3cr)
- SSC 341 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management (3cr)
- SSC 470 Wetland Soils (3cr)
- SSC 551 Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification (3cr)
- One more course from the following:
- SSC 332 Environmental Soil Microbiology (3cr)
- SSC 440 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture (3cr)
- SSC 532 532 Soil Microbiology (3cr)
- SSC 562 Environmental Applications Of Soil Science (3cr)
East Carolina University
- Earth Surface Systems [GEOG 2250] (3 credits)
- Soil Properties, Surveys, and Applications [GEOG 3220] (3 credits)
- Hydrogeology and the Environment [GEOL 3500]
University of North Carolina – Charlotte
- Applied Soil Science [GEOL 4410/5410/6800] (4 credits)
- Soil Science [ESCI 4210/5210] (4 credits)
University of North Carolina – Wilmington
- Geography 335 Geomorphology (4 credits, 3 Hrs. lecture, 2 Hrs. lab)
- Geography 437 Soils in the Earth Sciences (3 credits, 2 Hrs. lecture, 3 Hrs. lab)
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